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Curaytor Product Roundup: New Features to Help You Win More Listings

During this training, we introduced several new product features that are specifically designed to help you win more listings in 2024 (and beyond).

We want to make sure you're caught up on how to take advantage of our technology to achieve your goals. Consider this your Curaytor Product Roundup, and keep scrolling to watch the recording of the full training.

Fall 2023 Releases:

  •  /AI, our new ChatGPT integration to help you promote your listings, in virtually no time at all. (12:18)
  • We updated the JimmyDrop template library for easier access (US JimmyDrop Library and Canadian JimmyDrop Library) (3:12)
  • Enhanced lead capture through our email marketing platform (5:05)

Just Released:

Coming Next:

  • Hire Me, Don’t Fire Me Report which will pull all of your marketing metrics and campaigns for your listing to create one beautifully designed report (41:29)

2024 is all about listings—and so are we.

At Curaytor, we want to build software and provide services to help you win more listings. It's that simple.

In case you're wondering…

  1. Is this all included in my monthly fee or are there any additional charges for these products? No, there are no additional costs for any of the new products and features. All of the software we are rolling out will be available to all Curaytor clients.
  2. Will I be able to edit my Coming Soon landing pages? Yes, you will be able to edit and customize your Coming Soon landing pages.
  3. Does my listing have to be live on the MLS for the Coming Soon landing pages to work? Yes, your listing must be live on the MLS to create a Coming Soon landing page. Simply add /AI to the end of the URL, press enter, and you will see the landing page generator.
  4. I don't see the ability to create a Coming Soon landing page. What should I do? Email support@curaytor.com and we can enable it for you.