How to edit your header/footer website navigation.

This article will show you how to add or edit navigation links on your header/footer of you website.

1) Click on Global settings

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2) Click on settings

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3) Click Header and Footer settings

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Adjusting Header Navigation tabs

4) Click on edit or delete-  You can only display 3 navigation tabs at a time.  If 3 are already displayed, you can edit one of the links to change to a different link. Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 3.09.54 PM

5) Update the title and URL to what you want it changed to. Then hit save to update.

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You can replace URL link with any outside link by adding the full url for link.  If you are using a Curaytor page or blog you can just use /whatever the url slug is.


Adjusting Footer navigation tabs

6) Footer navigation has no limit.  To add a new link scroll down to bottom section and add new link.  Add title for navigation tab and URL link.  

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7) Click on add a link to add new link to footer section.

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You can drag and drop the navigation tabs in whatever order you want them to be displayed on website.