BombBomb Video Scripts

Ready to try BombBomb, not sure where to start? The below scripts will get you off on the right foot.

The formula is...

  • Polite introduction
  • Mutually agreeable fact
  • The reason I'm reaching out is...
    • Insert value add here
  • Call to action for person

Feel free to change the verbiage accordingly to match your own voice & style, you want to sound natural. 

Scenario 1: New Online Lead

Option 1:

Hi FIRST NAME, (Rick) here from the Smith Group. I wanted to reach out to thank you for viewing our listing. I also wanted to let you know that there was a person behind the scenes to answer your real estate questions if you have them. Here is my personal number 555-555-5555. Thanks again 

Option 2:

Hi FIRST Name, (Bob) here from the Chen group. I want to reach out and make this video to say thanks!  You have checked out some homes from Facebook on our website & that means a lot to me personally.

I understand you are likely in the early stages of doing some research about the market, but wanted to make this promise to you.

Once you are ready to chat about your home search, please call me directly at 555-555-5555 from Mon-Sat 9am-7pm and I will be happy to connect with you. No need to reply back as I know you are busy! Have a great day!

Scenario 2: Engaged Lead in Convert

Hi FIRST NAME, (Tony) here from the Jones Group. I did see that you checked out a property from FB a few months back. I am not sure if you were doing some research for the future or not but I did want to share this (2021 buyer’s guide with you). No need to reply back because I know you are busy but I wanted to share my personal contact info for you if you have real estate-related questions. Thanks & have a great day.

Scenario 3: Following a phone call with a lead

Hi First Name, ( Derek) here from the Sampson group and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to chat today over the phone. As promised, I wanted to share (insert value add) with you. Here is what’s going to happen next, I am going to (outline the next steps. This could include a follow-up call in 30  days, etc). You have personal contact info so feel free to connect before then if something pops up! Have a great day! 

Download the BombBomb Video Scripts Here

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