How do I add agents to my Lofty CRM?

Your subscription with Curaytor includes 1 Lofy CRM seat. Any additional seat will cost $14/month. If you would like to add additional seats to your account, you can do so directly through the CRM.


  • These steps can only be done by the Team Owner.
  • The monthly amount for additional seats will be added to your Lofty bill starting on the next billing period.

Step 1 : Add Seats to your Lofty CRM

Click on the settings icon then navigate to "Agent" on the left side menu. Click "Add a Member". If you have reached the seat limit of your current plan, you can click the "Add Seats" button to add more seats.



If you would like to add a specific amount of new seats before hitting your limit, you can click on the "Add More Seats" button directly from the agent list:



If there is no card on file, you will be asked to provide payment information by clicking a secure link: 



Once a card is on file, you will be provided with the steps to add seats to your order:




Step 2: Add New Team Members

Once the seats are purchased, you can then add the team members.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Under Team, select Agent
  3. Click on the "Add A Member" button
  4. Fill in the fields and click Save to have an invite sent to your team member. Remember that permissions can be adjusted after the new user's account is active.
  5. The new user will receive a welcome email like the one below and will have to select Join Lofty/Chime to activate their Lofty/Chime account as a member of your team.
